Friday, April 5, 2019

Beat at Cinecittà - Soundtracks for Sexy Movies (Downtempo Jazz)

A Sensual Homage To The Most Raunchy, Erotic Film From The Vaults Of Italian 60's & 70's Cinema. Composers Featured Are Bruno Nicolai, Riz Ortolani, Roberto Pregadio, & More. A Must For Any Lounge/Cinema Music Fan.

The three albuns dedicated to the most raunchy, erotic beat film music from the vaults of Italian 60s & 70s cinema. Brass pasta sound for hot nights from some of the most acclaimed Italian composers of all time: Bruno Nicolai, Pierro Piccioni, Armando Trovajoli, Luis Bacalov, Riz Ortolani. CD comes with a 24-page booklet with numerous poster-reproductions and stills all 'dente as well as extensive liner notes.

A goofily irreverent (and, perhaps, irrelevant) collection of musical moments from the sleazier side of the Italian cinema. No sign of Ennio Morricone on this volume, but there is plenty of Piero Piccioni, who dominates the album with a mixture of lounge and off-kilter pop. Bruno Nicolai has a single cut, as does Luis Bacalov. The real highlight, though, is Armando Trovaioli's "Bada Caterina," with its delightful vocals by Carmen Villani. Meanwhile, the album design is, well, interesting -- especially the inlay pictures of European sexploitation film magazines. A cute series that is well worth seeking out.