Monday, September 30, 2019

Wolf Prayer - Power Rock Trio (German)

German-based fuzz-driven power rock trio Wolf Prayer have inked a worldwide deal with Barhill Records, who released the band’s first full length album on July 5th, 2019. Since their formation in 2015 and the release of their self- titled EP, “Wolf Prayer” create a variation of dry-to-the-bone-riffing and atmospheric sounds taking you on a wild ride of fuzzy guitars, characteristic and versatile vocals, strong hypnotic bass lines and hard drum beats that wake you up and take you straight to another heavy trip. The band’s album, “Echoes of the Second Sun”, has been recorded and mixed at the Love Station Studio with a blistering master by Grammy Award winning Emil Berliner Studios. They invite its listeners to close their eyes and join a trip with the band through atmospheric soundscapes, hard riffs and hypnotic melodies. Accompanied by lyrics, in which the band members deal with loss, desire and new beginnings and try to process the past, the music is still their priority. Due to their fuzzy style, their songs clearly remind you of the stoner rock genre, but they can’t and won’t be nailed down, which is portrayed on the album by experimental and surprising song parts.

More Power Rock Trio`s


  1. Echoes of the Second Sun - baixei por duas vezes parece que o arquivo está corrompido....não abre pelo winrar...

    1. Haroldo, testei o arquivo e está OK. Talvez vc tenha que dar um update em seu winrar (já aconteceu comigo tb).
      Avise se conseguiu. Abraço
