Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Viv Akauldren - Psychedelic Punk Rock (USA)

Viv Akauldren sprouted from the remnants of an early '80s Detrot combo, Trancegland, who amended their moniker after a roster shakeup in 1985. A co-ed trio featuring axe-slinger Jeff Phry and drummer Deb Agolli mixing things up on the mic, Viv Akauldren brewed a subterranean alchemy in a cauldron (get it?) of their own warped design, purloining heavily from psych, but also inserting goth, and even folk flavorings.

Jeff Phry (vocals, guitar, bass), Keir McDonald (keyboards), Deb Agolli (drums)

More Psych Punk Rock

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