Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Third Wave Mansion - Progressive Rock (Canada)

First album by Quebec City prog rockers Third Wave Mansion. The sound, the choice of instruments and the general feel of this recording is very much inspired by the more classic prog rock era. 

André Houle : Keyboards, Drums, Back Vocals (on Free Giant) 
Guillaume Laberge : All Lead and Back Vocals 
Jean Roy : Guitars, Bass, Drums

This project was born by the end of year 2001, some 17 years ago.  Having collaborated on different projects with mutual friends and sharing an admiration for many of the same bands and artists, Jean and André, respectively guitarist and keyboardist, laid down the basis of what was to later become their new band.  A band in the image of  the greats that inspired their respective youth.      
In the following months, they began working on their original music as a serious hobby.  Mainly motivated by the recording of original music and very much inspired by what is known as the classic progressive rock era, they recruited musicians among their acquaintances using a homemade demo that contained 2 pieces that would eventually end up on their first album.  Over the years, from 2001 to 2014, the project has undergone various changes of musicians and names.  By the end of 2014, after lengthy recording sessions over a 4 years period with a full band and several trials at mastering these recordings, they became quite dissatisfied with the rendering of the final product.  After deciding to regain control over their project, they started the recording of all their music over again.  At the end of these fruitful recording sessions, they were joined by a highly motivated Guillaume, a work acquaintance of André and former singer of the metal band Warder.  To mark this change of era in the band’s life and Guillaume’s presence as a new member, they adopt the name Third Wave Mansion. 
By June 2018, they’ve released their first CD, First Hour.

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