Released by CBS Records in September 1964, " É Proibido Fumar" (No Smoking) is the third album of the brazilian singer. The LP shows Roberto Carlos in search of affirmation in the Brazilian music scene. He invested heavily in rock and roll, especially after the good performance of the previous album, "Splish Splash".
"É Proibido Fumar" features the title track (with Erasmo Carlos) and "O Calhambeque" (version of "Road Hog" by John and Gwen Loudermilk). Both "O Calhambeque" and "É Proibido Fumar" became true classics of Brazilian Rock, always present in their shows. Other songs from repercussão deste LP were "A Leão Está Solto Nas Ruas", "Minha História De Amor", "Amapola", "Rosinha" and the versions of "I Was Born To Cry" (Dion DiMucci) To Cry "- and" Unchain My Heart, "Ray Charles's success and turned" Untie My Heart. "
The song "Broto Do Jacaré" is identified with the musical style surf music and was recorded by Roberto Carlos accompanied by The Angels (after The Youngsters).
O maior ícone da música brasileira.