Monday, September 25, 2017

ATMOSPHERA - Crossover Prog • Brazil

ATMOSPHERA's style combines Brazilian popular music with smooth progressive rock. Predominantly instrumental, their material is delicate and refined with frequent melodic passages on flute and violin, combined with outstanding acoustic guitar as well as interesting bass and drum parts (the few vocals are sung in Portuguese). The band consists of Sergio Vicencio on bass, Edu Lima on drums, Cale Luis on vocals and guitar, Sandro Premmero on keyboards and Rogerio Bacceli on guitar.

Their only album to date, entitled "Fogo e Ar" (1998), also features a few elements of fusion and jazz; but it is the wonderful melodies and the variety of themes and ambiances that are the highlight of the album, at times reminiscent of QUANTUM, ROUSSEAU or TEMPUS FUGIT, at other times ERIS PLUVIA, CLARION or CAMEL (for the melodic guitar passages). As opposed to the gentle melancholy of Scandinavian bands, ATMOSPHERA'S material is sunny and bright. The type of prog that's perfectly suited to a late afternoon break sitting under a coconut tree, sipping a nice cool marguerita.

Recommended if you like prog with a pleasant, smooth Latin atmosphere and not in the least disturbing.

: : : Lise (HIBOU), CANADA : : :

Thanks Magal

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing bro!This is really dope!I like this!Maybe someon want to find a similar samples to these tracks, i left link here -
