Monday, September 7, 2015

Neon Pearl - British Psychedelic Songs from the 60's

Finalmente o grande colaborador Peter Hammil retorna ao Valvulado. Após percorrer o submundo do Rock Progressivo e flertar com o Jazz, Peter nos brinda com um discaço do Rock Psicodélico britãnico. Som de primeira, como sempre... "You Can Hear Your Dream Scream!!!!!

Neon Pearl was a 1960s British psychedelic band consisting of Peter Dunton (vocals/guitar/keyboards/drums), Bernard Jinks (bass guitar/backing vocals) and Nick Spenser (guitar/harmonium/keyboards). They were formed to play as a resident band in a club in Germany, but returned to England in late 1967. In 1967, Neon Pearl recorded a number of studio songs but could not find a record contract. In 2001, Acme released them as the album 1967 Recordings , which is a fine example of experimental British psychedelia with its hazy riffs, mild guitar distortions and vocal harmonies. Dunton was also in the marginally less obscure British psychedelic bands the Flies and Please, while Jinks later played in Bulldog Breed and T2, the latter also including Dunton.


More  Psychedelic Rock at Valvulado:


  1. Hi, thanks for all! Great blog! But the links of the Love, Peace & Poetry Sampler Albums, Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 & 10 are dead. Can you repost them please? Thank you!

  2. Grande momento psych....seguramente 1967 durou 60 anos.....o melhor do psych está concentrado neste maravilhoso ano.....e eu já estava por lá...................

    Peter Hammill - SP
