Thursday, May 28, 2015

In Limbo - Instrumental Progressive Rock (French)

French instrumental band IN LIMBO was formed back in 2002, originally a project that involved the creative partnership of Nicolas (guitars, drums) and Yome (bass, drums) but from 2010 and onwards a true band project following Florian's addition as a permanent member. Inspired by some of the Progressive & psychedelic rock masters (Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Pink Floyd, Steven Wilson...), the trio tried to improve endlessly their own style and technical approach. 

As of February 2015 the band have three official productions to their name: The initial full length debut Somnebuleux from 2008, these days described as a demo by the band, their official debut album Interstices (which was recorded in the band's own home studio with Christelle (flute, organ) and Didier (drums) appeared as guest) from 2013 and the single Impression in D from 2014. All of them, at the time of writing, legally available as free downloads directly from the band. In Limbo is today unsigned and self-produced, and they fee that making profits this way is probably indecent which is why the albums are available free of charge.

Up to now...

Recebi esta maravilhosa indicação do Brother Peter:

"Bom dia, Javanes....

Encontrei outro grupo praticamente desconhecido...IN-LIMBO
Agora da França, com 2 álbuns e um ep...
O download pode ser feito GRATUITAMENTE no site da banda:

Os discos apresentam grandes momentos...vale uma ouvida
e vc decide postar ou não,,,
Peter Hammill = SP"

A banda disponibilizou os álbuns para download no site...

Segue apenas uma pequena amostra:

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