Saturday, August 23, 2014

Peter, the Great Explorer of New Prog Sounds

Desde Abril de 2014, o Valvulado ganhou um reforço célebre. Peter Hammil se tornou um grande colaborador, trazendo grandes sons progressivos de todas as partes do mundo. Esta grande generosidade tem como objetivos: Partilhar, dividir, divulgar o que tem de melhor do mundo Prog. Caro Peter, temos uma dívida incomensurável com você. Obrigado por tornar o Valvulado melhor...

Seguem mais duas pérolas:

Prog Sounds from Belgium
Belgian band MINDGAMES influences are to be found in the whole progressive rock history. Element of FLOYD, YES, GENESIS, MARILLION and too many others to mention can be found in here. The band grouped in 1997 but it took 2 years until they entered the recording studio to shape their first recording demos. The rehearsals for their debut album took the next three years until the album was ready, in 2002, and was finally released in 2003. This output was carefully structured with mid-long pieces and three epics. It's a very sophisticated music, precisely played and perfect balance between energy and softness. Strong melodies, multiple rhythm changes and a nice instrumental colouring of the songs are warp and woof on "International Daylight", an album that achieved a great success among the lovers of Symphonic Progressive. In 2005, MINDGAMES returned to studio to prepare their second album, "Actor In A Play", released in 2006 that received very positive reviews from the international press and fans. With this album, MINDGAMES keep following the same path from their beginning, a well-balanced sound between Neo and New Symphonic, blended with several other influences. Recent news inform that MINDGAMES had important line-up changes and that they are shaping a new album to be released by 2009, but anyway keeping their original style. 

Prog Sounds from Australia
Australian band ANUBIS was formed in 2004, and the specific aim of the band was to create a concept album. While the plan initially was to honour a dear, departed friend by writing the album in his honour, they have chosen to make this person a more anonymous inspiration as the work progressed. Anubis describe the final result as pure fiction, while the protagonist became anonymous to represent the fact he wasn't actually anyone at all. The final result of this process was finalized in 2009 as the album "230503", and was made available in digital and physical formats towards the end of autumn the same year. With this first goal achieved it will be interesting to see where this outfit will go next. They have an outspoken vision along the lines of making music that excites them, disregarding whatever trends are popular and they don't have much of an interest in the commercial aspect of their craft either: Their aim, vision and goals are of an artistic nature only. In 2011 ANUBIS have entered into a formal contract with Birds Robe Records ( and launched their second album "A Tower Of Silence" in September 2011.

More Discoveries from Peter, the Prog Explorer:

E, um post do irmão do Peter, William:

Anthony Phillips (WS)

E tem muito mais vindo aí!!!!!!


  1. Por que não efetivam de vez o Peter nos quadros do Valvulado Som?
    O homem é bom de serviço!
    Saddam, aquele que confronta

  2. Hello, good people!!!

    Fico extremamente lisonjeado e orgulhoso pelo reconhecimento que aqui encontrei.
    Este blog, como já comentei,é a extensão de minha sala de som, onde tenho PRAZER
    de compartilhar "pequenas joias" que encontro em minha "incessante" busca...

    Exatamente como fazia nos anos 70's, quando as tardes de sábado, onde meus amigos se reuniam para a audição e apresentação de novas descobertas musicais do prog-rock....utilizo este blog para compartilhar e trocar impressões sobre grupos que seguem os passos dos mestres.....

    A minha pequena contribuição não é inesperada.....tenho ao longo de meses, "lapidado" MUITO material desta casa....principalmente em se tratando de FUNK e SOUL...vertentes que também aprecio, e somente aqui encontrei o "material" que procurava....

    Gostei demais também dos desenhos de MOEBIUS e para mim é até "normal" imaginar-me "pilotando" esta ave-mutante num planeta distópico!!!!!

    Mais uma indicação para nossa análise:

    e alguns desenhos do MOEBIUS para servir de "pano de fundo".....

    Ahhhhh. um obrigado pessoal para meu amigo JAVANES pelo trabalho maravilhoso de coletar minhas indicações num único post, e também um obrigado ao Saddam.....outro AMANTE INVETERADO dos prog-sounds....

    Peter Hammill - SP

    1. O velhinho... Gostei. Manda o Funk & Soul também.
      Mais uma vez, valeu a parceria.

  3. Saddam, olha aí... O cara já tá incorporado. Já estamos na sala e na cozinha do Peter.
